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Derrick Teal - FP content manager


Let’s Create Some Face Time

Circumstances have kept many of us from meeting face to face, but here’s the next-best alternative.

So, it’s a New Year, and as you can see, we’ve got a new look — well, on the digital edition. The new look of the website is coming. A lot people use the New Year to make a change. I can with 100% certainty tell you that we didn’t use that as an excuse to effect these changes. Our goal has been, and always will be, to bring you quality, useful information to help you succeed in your business. And how that information is delivered plays no small part in the effectiveness of the messaging, hence the change.

One of the nice things about this change is it finally gives me the chance to actually talk, and for many of you this is the first time you’re hearing my voice. Sorry. It’s been frustrating that when I was finally able to take more of a forward-facing role with Flexible Packaging and our packaging group, circumstances forced us all into limited travel and gatherings. Trade shows and other similar events were really affected, and that’s a shame because they’re such a great opportunity for those of us on the media side to meet everyone moving this industry forward. Even in this digital age, face time is incredibly important to developing connections and sharing information — and I don’t mean the FaceTime app.

That got us to thinking about how we could introduce not just ourselves to you and you to us, but how we could help introduce you to one another. Former Editor in Chief Eric Fish created the series People in Packaging a few years back, but for various reasons it ended up fizzling out. We’d like to bring that back with a few modifications — but we need a little help from you.

We want you to let us know if you’re interested in doing a video get-to-know-you with us. Or if you’re the more selfless type, let us know whom you think would be a good person for us and the greater industry to get to know. It doesn’t matter what part of the flexible packaging industry it is or what the role is. All we’re looking for is a good chat to share with everyone.

Just let us know if you’re interested by emailing me or Sam. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.


Derrick Teal Signature

Derrick Teal

(248) 786-1645

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