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Improvements to the virtual platform make engaging with pouch experts super easy.

Come to Global Pouch Forum

Derrick Teal - FP content manager


Do you remember what your first packaging experience with a pouch was? For me, like it might be for many people, it was with Capri Sun. I don’t remember exactly where I was, but I do remember wondering what the heck it was and then proceeding to drive my straw into the front and straight out the back. A number of juices are available in pouches now, and so are all kinds of other products: from baby food to apple sauce to sour cream and on and on.

This consumer desire for convenience with their products and the economic benefits of pouches continues to generate innovation within the space. The best place to learn about all of these innovations is, obviously, right here with Flexible Packaging. But the best place to interact with these pouch visionaries and innovators is at the longest-running flexible packaging event, Global Pouch Forum.

The 24th year of the event runs this month from Tuesday, June 8th, to Thursday, June 10th. Our experts will share their experiences about things like the process of making the first dual-sided pouch, creating a process for recycling food packaging, moving away from retail packaging conventions, shaping customer experiences and much more. Highlights from each day will be recapped by Ron Sasine and the Flexible Packaging editorial staff.

Like last year, this year’s event is virtual. But we heard what you said after last year, and have created a more cohesive online experience that offers additional networking capabilities like video chat. We’ve also created a more seamless transition between educational tracks and an interactive virtual exhibit hall that’s more user friendly.

And, finally, we have games. While my first experience with a pouch was with Capri Sun, was that the first liquid to be put in a pouch? Find out the answer to that and more during our lunchtime trivia on Wednesday, June 9th.

Hope to see you there!


Derrick Teal

(248) 786-1645

Derrick Teal Signature

June 2021 // flexpackmag.com