We know flexible packaging.
Davis-Standard’s mantra “Where your ideas take shape,” is more than a catchy phrase; it’s a reality. Our strength in flexible packaging spans decades of experience and comprises the industry’s best technology. With an international footprint and large installed base, converters can depend on reliable outputs, quick changes and minimal waste. Single-source responsibility from unwind to winder, an operator-friendly platform, and vast network have been instrumental in helping customers improve processes while offsetting costs in a high-margin business.
Processing advantages are realized component by component. Unwinds feature a high-speed splice for reduced waste, stub roll capacity, and to minimize tail length. Extruder packages include gauge control and uniformity, and options with extruder configuration and screw design. Coaters and laminators support seamless and expedient change-overs, excellent adhesion properties, and auto-trim start for safety. Winders are equipped with stationary knife transfer for high-speed transfers and reduced fold-over waste. Control systems reduce “dial-in” time and offer process monitoring and troubleshooting. Recipe, storage, integrated control for third party equipment, customer drive control, pressure and gauging systems, trending and diagnostics analysis add to efficiency.
All technology is supported by our service department, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are proud to support manufacturing applications and customers within every major industry, and consistently strive to be a leader in R&D and customer-driven solutions. Our global team of more than 1,400 employees and a network of independent sales agents and suppliers are ready to serve you! Visit our website today.
For more information, visit davis-standard.com.
October 2021 // flexpackmag.com